Sunday, February 14, 2010

Junior Infant patterns

This week we are learning all about patterns. We are making patterns in pairs and on our own. We made patterns with two colours. We used pegboards, straws, beads and blocks to make the patterns. We read the patterns and follow then to the end. There are patterns everywhere.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Friday, February 5th, 2010
We have been talking a lot about how much we have grown. We are getting taller each day, our hands and feet are growing, and so is the rest of us. Teacher measured each of us, and we put stickers on the door frame to see who is taller or smaller than who. We like looking at this, and we know that each of us is the exact right size for our families, even if we are very tall or very small in this class. We drew round our feet and hands, then coloured them in. Today we used coloured matchsticks to measure how big our feet and hands are. It was very interesting.Next we used the matchsticks to measure how long our arms are (from middle finger tip to elbow), and to measure our hand spans (from thumb to baby finger).

We had such a good time measuring ourselves that we decided to measure other things in the classroom. We split up into twos and each group had to guess how long their item was, and then measure to see if we were right. We used cubes, lollypop sticks and coloured matchsticks to measure a table, the blackboard and a window. Here are our results: We also took lots of pictures so you can see how we did our measuring.